
Shambala Game Reserve Opens Zulu Camp

BY Lisa Lindblad

March 9, 2011

A really lovely experience has become available 45 minutes by helicopter and 2 hours by road from South Africa’s Johannesburg.  Shambala, located on 30,000 privately held acres of South Africa’s Limpopo Province, has just opened seven chalets to receive guests.  Beautifully and luxuriously appointed, Zulu Camp allows guests a well-rounded stay in the bush.  Water and bush experiences (the big five are here) are at your fingertips and tailored to your interests and your own pacing.  However, if quiet, rest and privacy are what you seek, you can enjoy being in the bush but keeping it at your fingertips.  Have a picnic, go for a walk, or even ride an elephant.

array(1) { [0]=> object(WP_Post)#10571 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(6648) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "17" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2016-09-12 15:41:10" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2016-09-12 15:41:10" ["post_content"]=> string(2906) "Rangers with Tusks of Killed Elephants

Big Life was co-founded by photographer Nick Brandt and award-winning conservationist Richard Bonham in September 2010.

Since its inception, Big Life has expanded to employ hundreds of Maasai rangers—with more than 40 permanent outposts and tent-based field units, 13 vehicles, tracker dogs, and aerial surveillance—protecting 2 million acres of wilderness in the Amboseli-Tsavo-Kilimanjaro ecosystem of East Africa.


Big Life was the first organization in East Africa to establish coordinated cross-border anti-poaching operations.


On the ground in Africa, partnering with communities to protect nature for the benefit of all.


Envisioning a world in which conservation supports the people and people support conservation.


Using innovative conservation strategies and collaborating closely with local communities, partner NGOs, national parks, and government agencies, Big Life seeks to protect and sustain East Africa’s wildlife and wild lands, including one of the greatest populations of elephants left in East Africa.

The first organization in East Africa with coordinated anti-poaching teams operating on both sides of the Kenya-Tanzania border, Big Life recognizes that sustainable conservation can only be achieved through a community-based collaborative approach. This approach is at the heart of Big Life’s philosophy that conservation supports the people and people support conservation.

Cheetah & Cubs

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Nick Brandt: Big Life Foundation