Robert Louis Stevenson said, “I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. ” It took me a long time to admit that, while I am thrilled to be on my way to Africa this morning, I am thrilled just to be on my way.
I am in Zurich Airport, looking out of the lounge window at my next winged bird that will take me back to Kenya. I have been making this journey for 38 years and my heart still skips along thinking that I shall soon see James’ smiling face at the airport. Tomorrow morning, Fanice will arrive to make breakfast, and I will hear her preparing the tea and toast in that languid manner of hers that settles me in to a whole new rhythm of being.
For the next month I will be on the road in Africa, happy to reconnect with my great love for sure, but also happy just to be on the road.
My great affair…