
Panchoran Retreat

BY Lisa Lindblad

August 17, 2011

Back in the ’90s, when I was traveling frequently to Bali, I met and became friends with the inimitable Linda Garland.  Hailing from Ireland, Linda had been in Bali for 20 odd years by that time, was mother to two lovely boys, had become the doyenne of Bali and an internationally renowned designer, and was the mistress of one of the most beautiful pieces of property I have ever seen, located just outside of Bali’s cultural capital, Ubud.  Linda had built a large, round, thatched house.  But the building was almost an afterthought; it had come slowly and only after she had walked every inch of her land, after she had sculpted  and planted it, creating something of a marvel.

I shared Linda’s passion for bamboo and became involved with her non-profit, the Environmental Bamboo Foundation.  She hosted festivals on her property to raise money and awareness for bamboo.  She had a stream of guests – unknown, famous and infamous – coming to stay, to rest, to marry, to play.

More recently, Linda has created a lovely retreat for paying guests who wish to feel the authenticity of a Bali that was.  Yoga and spa are available of course and her food, always considered the best on the island, is a highlight of one’s stay at Panchoran. But it really is the land and its feeling of remoteness, the staff and their long-standing affection for Linda and her home, and their combined knowledge of the island which can raise the level of a traveller’s experience to a whole different plain that is remarkable here.

Panchoran is a dream.

array(1) { [0]=> object(WP_Post)#10550 (24) { ["ID"]=> int(8394) ["post_author"]=> string(2) "17" ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2017-09-14 10:20:27" ["post_date_gmt"]=> string(19) "2017-09-14 10:20:27" ["post_content"]=> string(1792) "[caption id="attachment_8395" align="alignnone" width="3024"] Honda Shoryu, Timber bamboo and rattan, 2000[/caption] There is a period missing in the timeline of human development, that of the Bamboo Age. Bamboo's widespread use since earliest times - particularly in East and Southeast Asia - elevates this extraordinary plant to almost mythic status.  It has been used as transport (wheeled vehicles), building material, food, weapon, musical instrument and, even, poison. For hundreds of years, simple, everyday utensils as well as refined bamboo vessels were made according to local traditions and techniques passed down from generation to generation. Most ubiquitous of all, perhaps, is the basket. It was not until the end of the 19th century that bamboo craftsmanship began to be recognized as one of the traditional Japanese decorative arts, and, later, as an art form.  As with other handmade arts in Japan, there were lineages of craftsmen who handed down techniques and developed their personal styles; Masters emerged, recognized as National Living Treasures. Six of these artists are represented in this stunning show of 90 baskets collected by Diane and Arthur Abbey since the 1990s.  The show comes to a close soon at the Met Museum. [gallery columns="2" size="full" ids="8396,8397"] FYI:  The 64th Japan Traditional Kogei - Art Crafts - Exhibition will take place at the Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum between February 23 and March 11, 2018
 " ["post_title"]=> string(27) "Bountiful, Beautiful Bamboo" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(0) "" ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["ping_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(26) "bountiful-beautiful-bamboo" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2017-09-14 10:20:27" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2017-09-14 14:20:27" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(31) "" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } }

Bountiful, Beautiful Bamboo